The Impact of Probate on Family Businesses in NY and FL

You hear the term probate all the time, but what does it mean? It describes the state court  process of dealing with someone’s estate after their death. The process includes validating their will and distributing any assets. Probate can have significant consequences for family businesses, particularly in New York and Florida. Without...

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The Role of an Executor During Probate

When a loved one passes, their assets, wishes, and legacy are managed through a process called probate. The executor stands at the center of this process, taking on a role of significant responsibility and purpose. Acting as an executor can feel challenging at times, yet it’s a position of trust—one that involves...

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Couple working on estate plan

Bills and Services to Cancel When a Loved One Dies

If you’ve recently lost a loved one, you might be going through the difficult process of wrapping up their affairs—some of which are all too easy to overlook while you're mourning your loss. Unfortunately, this can lead to unnecessary expenses or, for some services, significant financial consequences. With that in mind, here’s...

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Older couple sitting with probate attorney

An Overview of Probate in Florida

Probate is the court-supervised process of administering a deceased person’s will. Although probate sometimes leads to litigation, the majority of probate cases are purely administrative.  In other words, in most cases, the court simply supervises the probate process to ensure that the law is followed and that the wishes of the...

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